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Metuchen Recorder

Saturday, January 6, 1900

In and Around the Village

There was a large audience gathered in the Reformed Church on Thursday evening last to witness and participate in the services connected with the installation of the Rev. Edward V.V. Searle, the pastor elect. The church has been without a pastor since the election of Rev. J. H. Raven, D.D., their late pastor, to a professor's chair in the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick.


Mr. William Marcell and wife of Newark spent Christmas with Mr. Jas. Olliver.

Mrs. Samuel LaForge is quite ill, but is improving.

Mr. Ludlow has been much better this week.

Miss Hattie Hall of New York spent a few days with Mrs. Chas. Schenck.

Mr. and Mrs. Coles of Jamesburg spent a few days in Metuchen with her daughter, Mrs. Rule.

Mrs. Bingener has been entertaining company from New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Abram Van Sickle have returned from a two weeks visit at Irvington.

Professor Anderson, the popular and successful principal of Franklin School, spent New Years day in Elizabeth.

Miss Laura Tappen's many friends will be glad to know she is much improved in health.

Mrs. Anderson of Middlesex avenue has enjoyed the company of her little nephew from New York during the holidays.

Mr. Beachler and family have moved to Elizabeth.

The Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society met on Tuesday and were entertained by Mrs. Kent.

Mrs. Edward Martin is suffering with a very severe cold.

Elisha Soper has rented the home on Middlesex avenue belonging to Mr. Weinschenck. Elisha is evidently preparing to change the single life for a partnership arrangement.

Mrs. Clarence Holt is improving a little from her severe illness.

Mr. Downing and family have moved to Brooklyn.

Mr. Smith Bennett and Miss Edna of Ocean Grove spent a few days this week in Metuchen.

Miss Jordan, of Jersey City, is visiting her cousin, Miss Underwood.

Mr. and Mrs. Spear have returned from their southern trip.

The Misses Margaret and Mary MacLanchlan were at home during the holidays.


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