Metuchen Edison History

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BG's 1947
Metuchen Guide
Better Business and Pleasure

At the end of 1946, Benjamin T. Giera published a 64 page guide, distributed compliments of Joseph Fischer, which provided residents of that time with information about local businesses, and which gives us some insight into the Metuchen that existed 50 years ago.

Here are some excerpts from the original guide:

History of Metuchen Churches of Metuchen
Metuchen Borough Officials Domestic Postal Information
Telephone Information Facts Worth Knowing
Metuchen Public Schools Metuchen Taxicab Service

More to come...

If you have some interesting facts about life in Metuchen 50 years ago, and would like to contribute to this web site, drop us a line at:

Free Software

The classified business directory in the guide lists the establishments by type. To download some free software, letting you view the classified business directory by name, by type, and by address, Click Here.

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